Saturday, January 1, 2011

Rising From The Ashes

This year has been such a test of my strength and faith. I would never have kept my sanity if I did not have my mother and my church family and my son and God. My brother too, he was one of the few people I could talk to, one of the last people left on the planet I fully trust. I feel like the mythical Phoenix, burned down to ashes, only to rise up again in flames. Last year burned me down to nothing, burned me down to my soul. I just melted down, let it all beat me. Now I am rising up like the Phoenix, and will fly up high above it all. Now I just sound crazy right? Hell I am reading it and I sound loco for sure. All I am saying is, I am going to rise above it all and come away from it a better, sane, and dammit a healthy person. I will beat this cancer, I will beat all this psychological mumbo jumbo with an ugly stick if I have to. 2011 will be a much more balanced year for me and my family. Drama can stay in 2010! If it dares to rear its ugly head at my doorstep in 2011 I will sic Dog the Bounty Hunter on it! LOL! Just Kidding! Hell that's funny! For anyone who actually reads my rambling...since I just need to write whats in my head. I feel like I am a little crazy, about half the time. Most of the time I feel sane. What are we supposed to do with ourselves when we feel crazy? I just keep myself at home or I try to, if i end up interacting with others, I definitely come off as a little nutter. Jeez I must seem that way right now. Rambling on and on like this. I doubt I am making any sense at all to anyone but myself. Ugh I should just stop typing...